2) This quote is one of the most amazing quotes, because teaching is not a job or a profession that you work and later get a salary, teaching is not about only earning money, because what a teacher gives is something valuable. A teacher is educating the upcoming individuals of the society, which in their turns will become leaders.
3) I chose this quote to show the importance of cooperative learning in students' lives, moreover; this quote proves what William Glasser once said: “We Learn . . .
10% of what we read20% of what we hear30% of what we see50% of what we see and hear70% of what we discuss80% of what we experience95% of what we teach others.”
4) This quote is so relevant, because if a person harmed another person emotionally or made a good thing for him, maybe by time he will forget it, however; if a teacher by mistake harmed her students emotionally, it will stay in them forever and if the teacher said something good to her students they will remember it throughout their lives.